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Spiritual and Mathematical Research; Unlocking the Keys to the Universe

I've been coming to deep realizations, knowledge and understanding regarding spirituality, science and mathematics (as well as other subjects, of course.) What I'll be discussing and laying out here may not resonate with a lot of people and the research and work I've been discovering may seem complex. A lot of this body of work will be most beneficial to those who are extremely serious in their pursuit of Truth and Understanding in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Spirituality. “The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.” - The Three Initiates, The Kyballion.

Anchor 1
Albert Einstein Matter Quote
Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 Quotes Kaizer

Nikola Tesla, the great inventor, electrical and mechanical engineer - who was also said to have had contact with off-world beings from Venus once said "If only you knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." I've been coming to understand the Truth in this statement more and more in my pursuit of Truth and Universal Keys. As you know, I'm a music artist and audio engineer. Music, tones, and sounds of all kinds have always been special for me. So Solfeggio Frequencies have always intrigued me since I discovered them back in 2010-2011 or so.

369 and The 9 Code / Fingerprint of God

One day, upon reflecting on Nikola Tesla's 369 theory, I had this random urge to look for a pattern in the number's 3, 6 and 9 in my head. What I realized is, using Vortex Math (which I knew nothing about at the time), 3, 6 and 9 literally all equal 9 when you add and/or multiply the numbers against one another. Example:



3×3 = 9

3×6 =18. 1+8 = 9

3x9 = 27. 2+7 = 9


6x3 = 18. 1+8 = 9

6x6 = 36. 3+6 = 9

6x9 = 54. 5+4 = 9


9×3 = 27. 2+7 = 9

9x6 = 54. 5+4 = 9

9×9 = 81. 8+1 = 9

1 - Nikola Tesla's 369 Theory and The 9 Code / Fingerprint of God

This was a significant and also fascinating discovery for me for multiple reasons. For one, it was the beginning of my realization and understanding that there is, indeed something special about the numbers 3, 6 and 9. The number "9" is, of course, a part of the 369 sequence. Secondly, 9 has been my favorite number since I was a little kid and I never understood why. I just always had this feeling that "9" was a "cool" number and for whatever reason, I just resonated with it's "numerical energy," if you will. Thirdly, patterns simply don't lie.
As I continued to research the significance of both the 369 method and the number 9 itself, I ended coming to fascinating pieces of information. Apparently, the number 9 is considered the "Fingerprint of God" and in many cultures has been considered the most important number. The number 9 also has significance in many areas of mathematics and science as well. Check out this part of this video I discovered on YouTube that talks about some of this in detail:

3, 6 and 9 in Number Synchronicities

1.1 - 3, 6 and 9 in Number Synchroncities (111, 222, 333, etc)

Synchronicities in general are a phenomenon that happen to certain people. I'm not sure why they happen but as I'm discovering and understanding mathematics, science and spirituality more and more, the more I find links and connections that point towards the true nature of synchronicities. Number Synchronicites for some reason happen to a lot of people and seem to have a Spiritual Coorelation, whether people realize this or not.

Number Synchronicities are when the number sequences 111, 222, 3333, 444, 5555, etcetc jump out at you without you consciously looking for them. They seem to also come in the form of messages too. For example, for some people, 444 will communicate "protection" and 888 will communicate "abundance/wealth/money" etc to the individual noticing these number sequences. This is confirmed when the numbers appear at the same time an event has happened such as a person opening up a check for $1,000 and then looking on their laptop to see "888" tweets on a Twitter post jump out at them and so on.

I discovered (in the form of a synchronicity ironically) during a time I was researching information on 369 that Number Synchronicites have the 3, 6, 9 method embedded in them. For example:

111 = 1+1+1 = 3

222 = 2+2+2 = 6

333 = 3+3+3 = 9

444 = 4+4+4 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

555 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

777 = 7+7+7 = 21 = 2+1 = 3

888 = 24 = 2+4 = 6

999 = 27 = 2+7 = 9

I also recently discovered on my own that this applies, strangely, in increments of only 3, 6, 9. Meaning 111 (three 1's), 111111 (6 1's) and 111111111 (9 1's)


111111 = 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6

222222 = 2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

333333 = 3+3+3+3+3+3 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

and so on

Same thing for 9 numbers 

111111111 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 9

222222222 = 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

333333333 = 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3 = 27 = 2+7 = 9

444444444 = 4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4 = 36 = 3+6 = 9 

555555555 = 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5 = 45 = 4+5 = 9

666666666 = 6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6 = 54 = 5+4 = 9

777777777 = 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 = 63 = 6+3 = 9

888888888 = 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8 = 72 = 7+2 = 9

999999999 = 9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9 = 81 = 8+1 = 9

Notice anything different? That's right. Although the 369 Method exists within all of these number sequences, 9 stands out. Unlike 3 and 6, when 9 is added or multiplied against Itself, the result is always 9. This is the 9 Code...

The Theta Symbol, Lisa Renee's "Epsilon Sequence"
and the 9 Code Connection

1.2 - 𝛉 The Theta Symbol, Lisa Renee's "Epsilon Sequence" and the 9 Code Connection
Theta Symbol

Lisa Renee, a self-proclaimed ET Contactee, Sirian Starseed and Ascension Guide, talks about having met with Arcturians who showed her the significance of a symbol called the Theta Symbol (which happens to be the number 9 in the Greek numerical system). Lisa claims that this Theta Symbol can be used through Visualization as a form of Protection against certain forces that might be Intrusive/Abusive etc (reference: What's interesting about this symbol is that, as previously mentioned, it's the Number 9 in the Greek numerical system. As research has indicated and as previously discussed, 9 seems to be a special number and there seems to be a significance regarding it. It even seems to have ties with God/Infinite Intelligence/The One Infinite Creator - however you want to call Creator(s) of all that exists etc, being deemed "The Fingerprint of God" by many. 

What I find especially interesting about Lisa Renee's claims that this Theta Symbol can be used as a form of Protection is that there seems to be a connection between her claims and the significance of the Number 9/The 9 Code on multiple levels. For one, 9 is said to  be the "balancer" of all of life and the 3 and the 6. 9 is said to represent Wholeness. Out of all the languages, the Greek langauge seems to depict this in the Number 9 blatently. If you look at the Theta symbol, you can clearly see that both sides of the Theta Symbol are perfectly equal with a line drawn in the very middle of it. This literally seems to Describe and Depict the Number 9 as being Perfect Wholeness and Balance. This seems like more than just a coincidence. Could Lisa Renee's claims be true and be proven through this research? It seems the Greeks knew about the significance of the Number 9 as well...

Theta Symbol



Represents Wholeness?

Upon further research, I also found that the Theta Symbol/The Number 9 in Greek represented what the Greek's called "The 9 Muses" which were:

1. Calliope - Protector of Epic Poetry

2. Clio - Protector of History

3. Erato - Protector of Lyric Poetry

4. Euterpe - Protector of Music

5. Melpomene - Protector of Tragedy

6. Polyhymnia- Protector of Sacred Poetry

7. Terpsichore - Protector of Dance

8. Thalia - Protector of Comedy

9. Urania - Protector of Astronomy

Notice anything that stands out? That's right. All of the 9 Muses were Protectors (reference: If Lisa Renee is lying, then she's diabolically smart lol. The Theta Symbol used as a form of Protection, being the Number 9, representing Balance and Wholeness in Greek. There's clearly a connection here one way or the other.

I should point out that the Theta Symbol represented Death in Greek and Latin Epigraphy. So that's something to be wary of. Is the Theta Symbol being used as both a form of Protection for the self and an expression of "death" to the Intrusive/Abusive Force, or could it be some sort of psyop to transcribe "death" energy to the person Utilizing and Visualizing it to the Self? Something to Critically Think about and use Right Reason towards.

2 - The Mathematics of Solfeggio Frequencies

3, 6 and 9 in Solfeggio Frequencies

The Mathematics of Solfeggio Frequencies

Upon further research, I discovered the 369 pattern in the Solfeggio Frequencies, as well. They're only consistent throughout the entire Solfeggio Frequencies of the 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequencies, not the 432 Hz Solfeggio Frequencies, although it is present in specifically 432 Hz (4+3+2 = 9)

396 = 3+6+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

417 = 4+1+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

528 = 5+2+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

639 = 6+3+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

741 = 7+4+1 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

852 = 8+5+2 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

963 = 9+6+3 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

432 = 4+3+2 = 9

For the 432 Hz set of Solfeggio Frequencies, things are different. I'm not sure what this means.


216 / 432 / 864

144 / 288 / 576

192 / 384 / 768

128 / 256 / 512

182 / 364 / 728 

303 / 606 / 1212

228 / 456 / 912


2+1+6 = 9 /
4+3+2 = 9 /
8+6+4 = 18 = 1+8 = 9


1+4+4 = 9 /
2+8+8 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 /
5+7+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9


1+9+2 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 /
3+8+4 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 /
7+6+8 = 21 = 2+1 = 3

Everything goes according the 369 Method here, until...


1+2+8 = 11 = 1+1 = 2 /
2+5+6 = 13 = 1+3 =
4 /
5+1+2 =


2, 4 and 8. Do you see it? The 369 Pattern abrubtly stops and becomes 2, 4 and 8. I have no idea what this means. But it definitely means something. Could the 432 Hz set of frequencies be compromised half-way through? Something to consider.


1+8+2 = 11 = 1+1 = 2  /
3+6+4 = 13 = 1+3 =
4 /
7+2+8 = 17 = 1+7 =

2, 4, 8 again.

But then the rest fit back into the 369 Pattern


3+0+3 = 6 /
6+0+6 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 /
1+2+1+2 = 6


2+2+8 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 /
4+5+6 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 /
9+1+2 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

I think this discovery could lead to an understanding as to which Solfeggio Frequencies are truly in Alignment with the Universe and which aren't. Further research is bound to prove this.

2.1 - 3, 6 and 9 in Solfeggio Frequencies (528 Hz, 432 Hz, etc)

Deciphering the True Solfeggio Frequencies,
Debunking Possible Fakes by Following the Patterns/Numbers

2.2 - Deciphering the True Solfeggio Frequencies, Debunking Fakes by Following the Patterns/Numbers

I noticed a numerical pattern that the (apparent) Solfeggio Frequencies follow. I feel that this pattern could be a major step towards discovering whether the proclaimed original Solfeggio Frequencies "sang by Monks thousands of years ago" are True Solfeggio Frequencies and not just Compromised Tones in some shape or form, similarly to how it's been said that 430 Hz is the compromised Frequency of 432 Hz.

There are multiple clear numerical patterns that exist in each Solfeggio Scale as the numbers move higher or lower from the other.


396 + 21 = 417

417 + 111 = 528

528 + 111 = 639

639 + 102 = 741

741 + 111 = 852

852 + 111 = 963

The Orange Solfeggio Numbers represent the 1st of the 3 Solfeggio Numbers from top to bottom. The Yellow Solfeggio Numbers represent the 2nd of the 3rd Solfeggio Numbers. The Green Solfeggio Numbers represent the 3rd Solfeggio Numbers. Do you see the pattern? From top down, the pattern goes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7, 8, 9, 1 for the first set of Solfeggio Frequencies before adding a set of numbers in order to approach which Solfeggio Frequency comes next. The numbers are in perfect order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - they don't go 1, 3, 5, 2, 6 etc or have a random order. To me this describes a reflection and pattern of Perfect Order

The same exact thing happens in the set of Solfeggio Frequencies when you add the numbers necessary to approach them. From top, down the numbers go 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3:

→ 417 ←

→ 528 ←

→ 639 ←

→ 741 ←

→ 852 ←

→ 963 ←

You see? A very clear pattern. You'll find in Deciphering Codes and Symbols etc, Patterns are a Major Key in figuring out what fits and what doesn't. For example, the 369 Method with all numbers being 369. Nikola Tesla - as I mentioned earlier, already talked about how significant these numbers are. Let's say we were finding a clear pattern of 369 in every single number, but then all of a sudden, the pattern somewhere along the way stops being 369; that could be a very important indicator of something. You know what I mean? We have to look at things like that and figure out what they mean.

Okay, now onto the Purple Numbers and Red Numbers. These numbers are the numbers that you come up with when trying to get from one Solfeggio Frequency to the next. Right off the bat you can already clearly see that 111 repeats itself multiple times in a blatent way (4 times to be exact.) But then wait, everything fits into a perfect pattern - except for 21 and 102? What's up with that? Why do 21 and 102 randomly stand out. This is where I noticed that something could be up with these Solfeggio Frequencies, or that something is happening here that isn't been mentioned.

396 + 21 = 417

417 + 111 = 528

528 + 111 = 639

639 + 102 = 741

741 + 111 = 852

852 + 111 = 963

According to this Almost Perfect Order of 1-9 on every number in the Solfeggio Frequencies from one Frequency to the next as well as the numbers all coming out to 3, 6 or 9 and following the 369 method perfectly (3+9+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9, etcetc), shouldn't 111 be consistent? Or at the very least, if there's a pattern of 21, 111, 111, then 102, then 111 and 111 again, then wouldn't the so called "newly discovered Higher Solfeggio Frequencies" follow this pattern? Meaning 21, 111, 111, 102, 111, 111 being 1 set, then repeating itself in a similar fashion as the Frequencies get higher and higher? I did the math and here's what I found. 

"Newly Discovered Higher Solfeggio Frequencies/Chakra Tones"  -
Fact or Fiction?

2.3 - "Newly Discovered Higher Solfeggio Frequencies/Chakra Tones"  - Fact or Fiction?

You guys know I have a low tolerance for money mongerers, fraudulent claims and misinformation. My health and the health of others is also extremely important to me. So when it comes to these magnificent claims by people who come out of no where but only show small fractions and remnants of factual and relevant evidence and data, I'm gonna take that seriously. I noticed there are mutliple people making claims that 1074 Hz, 1185 Hz, 1296 Hz, 1317 Hz and 1428 Hz are the Higher Solfeggio Frequencies which also correlate with the 8th-12th Chakras. I take Chakra Work and Energy Healing very seriously. Misinformation in this area could be dangerous. So I did the math to look for patterns and what fits and what possibly doesn't. This is what I found:

1074 + 21 = 1095 = 1+0+9+5 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

1074 + 111 = 1185 = 1+1+8+5 = 15 = 1+5 = 6


1074 + 102 = 1176 = 1+1+7+6 = 15 = 1+5 = 6


1185 + 21 = 1206 = 1+2+0+6 = 9


1185 + 111 = 1296 = 1+2+9+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9


1185 + 102 = 1287 = 1+2+8+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9


1296 + 21 = 1317 = 1+3+1+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3


1296 + 111 = 1407 = 1+4+0+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3


1296 + 102 = 1398 = 1+3+9+8 = 21 = 2+1 = 3


1317 + 21 = 1338 = 1+3+3+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6


1317 + 111 = 1428 = 1+4+2+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 


1317 + 102 = 1419 = 1+4+1+9 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 x


1428 + 111 = 1539 = 1+5+3+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

Following the pattern of either 111, 102 or 21 which is clearly present in the Original Solfeggio Frequencies which have been talked about by people such as Dr. Leonard Horowitz and (apparently) Professor Willi Apel and Dr. Joseph Barber, we find 3 possible outcomes. I noticed that when you play the Solfeggio tones from 396 Hz all the way up to 1428, everything sounds relatively normal and the tones transition from one to the other relatively fine - except for 1296 Hz - 1317 Hz (the 10th - 11th chakra.) The tones sound almost identical to each other and kind of break the pattern resonance at that point for some reason. And guess what? The math proves why. This happens because these specific "Higher Solfeggio Frequencies" follow the 111 pattern exclusively, except for some very strange reason, only 1296 Hz follows the 21 pattern. Not only is this mathematically random, but you can HEAR it lol.


963 + 111 = 1074 1+0+7+4 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

1074 + 111 = 1185 = 1+1+8+5 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

1185 + 111 = 1296 = 1+2+9+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

1296 + 21 = 1317 = 1+3+1+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

1317 + 111 = 1428 = 1+4+2+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 

You see it? Every Higher Solfeggio Frequency follows the 111 pattern except 21 and when you listen to 1185 Hz to 1317 Hz, you can hear the break too. Listen for yourself:

You can clearly hear that from 1185 Hz - 1296 Hz, the transition sounds fine. But then all of a sudden, from 1296 Hz to 1317 Hz, something changes. The sound all of a sudden doesn't follow the same pattern and sounds too similar to 1296 Hz. The math reflects why this is. It's because the Pattern (in my opinion) is Incorrect and isn't supposed to flow towards this specific set of Frequencies. Numbers don't lie, patterns don't like, and your ears - if you listen carefully, will actually literally hear this. If you still can't hear it, go all the way to 396 Hz and play up to 1317 Hz and you'll hear exactly what I'm talking about.

As we plug in the numbers and do the math, we'll find more errors like this. I very much feel that this kind of problem solving can help us in determining what's real and what isn't and what may be beneficial to us, and what could be throwing us off in whatever way(s)

My aim with this is to get to the bottom of what the True Solfeggio Frequencies and Patterns are. I can't stand Misinformation and Truths Mixed With Lies/BS. We will figure this out in the name of Health, Healing, Liberation, Peace and Justice. I'm gonna post the other patterns I found soon. Dr. Leonard Horowitz describes how the Original 6 Solfeggio Frequencies are basically codes from the bible. The Bible has been tainted, though. There are many Undeniable Truths within the Bible I feel. But there are Disortions within it, as well. To me, this reflects in the Solfeggio Frequencies. Some of the Solfeggio Frequencies and Patterns may very well be real and beneficial to Understand and Exercise, but I don't just want Remnants of Truth. I want Truth as a Whole and both You and I have that right. No disrespect whatsoever to anyone who's religious or believes in the Bible as a Whole. This is just what I've come to Understand being on my Path. I respect your Path, as well, though. Come back daily/weekly for more information and research on this. Raw and Whole Truth Matters and is Everything.

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