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Who is Kaizer?

Kaizer Smiling 2017

Kaizer is a 29 year old empath (a person able to highly sense, pick up on and internalize other people's emotions, energy, etc and who have more mirror neurons in their brain) musician, rapper, singer-songwriter, recording artist, artist, audio engineer, music producer, entertainer, performer, aspiring actor and entrepreneur from Long Island City, New York (Queens). Kaizer is very spiritual and uses his empathic and spiritual abilities and understanding within his music, art and work in order to inspire and educate people all over the world in a massive way. Kaizer is also an Indigo/Starseed (a person who reincarnated on Earth from another dimension/planet).

Kaizer Logo
Kaizer Eyes
Kaizer 4 Years Od Iconic
Kaizer Ancestry Update 2021 United Kingd
Kaizer Ancestry Update 2021 European

Kaizer is of Irish, English, French and German ancestry from his mother's side (mostly English and Irish/British) and is of Bengali ancestry from his father's side (making Kaizer interracial). Kaizer's grandmother from his mom's side told him that he has Native American and Welsh ancestry as well. From his mother's side, Kaizer's great grandmother was from Ireland and his great grandfather was from England. Kaizer's father was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh and used to be a very famous soccer player who played in Mohammedan S.C. in the 1970's (a well-known Soccer club in West Bengal). Kaizer's mother was born in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Kaizer Fresh Kick

Having grown up in a very dysfunctional home in New York City and enduring violence, abuse and corruption, Kaizer has always sought to make a positive difference in the world and be a source of light as opposed to the darkness that he was exposed to. That's why he puts his heart and soul; creativity and mind into all of his music, art and work - to be the person to society more often than not society was rarely to him. Kaizer draws inspiration from artists such as Michael Jackson who he grew up listening to and watching since birth. Kaizer also draws inspiration from artists such as Prince, 2Pac, Eminem, Nas and others.

Kaizer at a Sedona Arizona "Vortex", 2014 21 yea

Kaizer's goal is to raise human consciousness (make people more aware of who they are and what they're truly capable of) and uplift society and the Earth in an extremely positive way,  ultimately contributing to a new golden age, where society can be more unified and happy and the Earth cleaner and thriving. Kaizer uses music, art, his style, fashion, his image, his speaking, his writing, singing, rapping and much more as a means of doing this. As Kaizer continues to grow and as his foundation get bigger, he intends to use his money to invest in himself/his endeavors and those of others in order to help usher in the new golden age the best that he can while continuing to make greater and greater shifts in the world. Follow, support and donate to Kaizer on social media (and everywhere else) the best you can and help become a part of the new golden age. #2022WeDidIt

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Kaizer in Times Square, Manhattan January 2017

More awareness = Growth = Success/Living your dreams.

Growth is a neccesity in order to be successful and live your dreams in this life; ask any expert self-development teacher like Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, etcetc, they'll straight up tell you this. There's this thing called the law of entropy, which basically states that if you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards.

Everything I do and create is designed to make you more aware, move forward in life and grow.


Do you wanna keep constantly listening to music that keeps you stagnant and unaligned; slowly withering and unconscious, or do you wanna grow?

More About Kaizer:

Opening Up About My Struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder (EXPLICIT)

Opening Up About My Struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder (EXPLICIT)

✶♿️✶ Opening Up About My Struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder - ✶♿️✶ 0:30 - Opening Up About My Struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder This is a general overview of my current struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder (which I've been battling for over 5 years now in the process of overcoming past severe trauma). I wanted to end the video a little more naturally and let you guys know that I'm doing everything in my power to come back to who and how I truly am without all of the trauma weighing and holding me down, but I guess simply telling you here is fine at this point. I do feel like people are finally beginning to "get me", but in the midst of that trauma, PTSD and Depression I spoke about, I don't feel like people truly Understand me yet; I don't feel like it's enough to begin "getting me." Without truly Understanding me, you won't really understand my legacy in the grand scheme of things and my light, which I feel Enlightens, Uplifts and Illuminates. People who truly Understand and come in direct contact with myself/my soul—uninterrupted by Trauma and the like are always changed for the better I've always felt and it's my goal to get back to that point because I strongly feel that this is a huge part of my mission and purpose to Heal, Uplift, Enlighten and Educate Humanity and Society. I might make a Part 2 to this video to give you guys even more clarity on who and how I am and how I feel Trauma has been holding me back. I specifically want to talk about how PTSD, Depression and Trauma have effected me Socially and how I feel like people I've sought help/connection from (Tai Lopez, Mark Christensen, Bob Proctor, Usher, Mentors, etcetc) wanted nothing to do with me due to misunderstanding me as a result of how Trauma has effected my Image, Perception, Reputation and so on. If you want me to make a Part 2, let me know in the comments or private message me; whatever's more comfortable for you. I wanted to talk about those Social complications in this video because I feel that that's a major, MAJOR way I've been being Held Back and Delayed from my Purpose, Mission and Dreams but the video ended. I appreciate you guys taking the time to be patient with me as I know it can be harder to stay engaged with my videos when I'm struggling with trauma due to how it effects my energy levels, mental clarity, conciseness and directness with communicating and overall appeal etcetc. This is one of the major ways in which Trauma is holding me back, and those of you who are patient and tolerant of my situation make more of a difference than I can possibly express. Thank you. I'll be making more efforts to be more engaging and consistent with content including videos and music despite my severe struggles. Any and all support makes all of the difference. Making a difference in your lives through such creative endeavors is all I ever wanted to do and it's sad that after finally overcoming a lifetime of Darkness and Hell, I'm being even further delayed by the Aftermath and Aftereffects of that Darkness and Hell, but if I can overcome my Dark Past, I can overcome this, as well. ✹✹✹ Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest to stay connected with me, my music and my art: (Telegram) ✹✹✹ ✶♿️✶ Opening Up About My Struggles with PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder - ✶♿️✶
Who is Kaizer?.. Pt. 2

Who is Kaizer?.. Pt. 2

Who Is Kaizer?.. Pt. 2 - This was a little longer again but I tried not to make it past 15 minutes so if you're up to getting to know who I am a little better, investing in the time to watch this would be of value to you. I appreciate and value all of my fans and supporters and am deeply grateful for your support and engagement. Thanks so much for being a part of my mission, passions and life. You make a difference in the world. 0:47 - INFP myers-briggs personality 1:48 - Also an ambivert (both introverted and extraverted) 2:57 - Listening to music and favorite genres 5:11 - Hazel eyes and my self-image 6:25 - My height and being half Bengali 7:14 - Video games and identifying with the characters 8:30 - Making people laugh/comedy 9:42.- Opening up slowly to strangers/certain energy 10:45 - Living in NYC can be gritty/dealing with snakey people 11:19 - Passionate about fitness and working out 12:16 - Traveling and vibing in the city 13:01 - Very into fashion/being visual 14:11 - Expressing myself through Instagam About me; I am... - In many ways kind of like a modern day polymath. Think Aristotle, but my primary/main field isn't philosophy among many other fields, it's music/the arts among many other fields. - NF personality type ("The dreamer", "The diplomat", "The idealist" etcetc). Mostly an INFP, and sometimes come up as an ENFP according to years of taking the Myers-briggs test (5 years+). I think I also have INFJ/ENFJ qualities (ENFJ came up once or twice in the past when I took the Myers-Briggs test) as well but I'm definitely mostly an INFP/ENFP. I say J sometimes because I do have qualities of valuing structure and there are times where I can get deeply into structure and routine, but generally speaking I'm a free-spirited person who pretty much hates being bound by schedules and routines etc which makes me more INFP/ENFP as opposed to INFJ/ENFJ and everything. Generally speaking, I need freedom and flexibility much more than I need structure and routine etc. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose freedom and flexibility. I would rather have freedom and flexibility with a little structure and routine than structure and routine with little freedom and flexibility 100%. - An ambivert (both introverted at times and extroverted) - Obsessed with music (mostly R&B) but listen to all genres including rock and metal - A rapper - A singer - A music producer - Recording Radio Film Connection graduate and certified audio engineer and music producer - My eye color is hazel - My height is 5"4 (lil swag) - Half white, half Bengali (interracial rapper like Logic) - Love video games (especially vintage/old school video games from PS1, PS2, N64, Gamecube, etcetc) - An aspiring actor/background actor for central casting - An entertainer - A performer - From Queens, New York (Long Island City) - Am passionate about fitness and health and only eat organic, pure foods free of preservatives - Love traveling/exploring the city - Passionate about fashion - Am a starseed/indigo I recently realized o_o and more... Favorite video games: Final Fantasy 7, The Legend of Dragoon, Paper Mario, Starfox 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Fable: The Lost Chapters, etcetc. Follow me on Instagram @ And subscribe to my channel for more music, cool videos and to help me heal the world by inspiring and educating people in creative, amazing ways through music, art, style and more. Who Is Kaizer?.. Pt. 2 -
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